The first line of the Torah reads: BERASHITH BARA ELOHIM ET HA SHAMAYIM V'ET HA ARETZ. This first line of the Torah, is the main driving force of the entire old testament bible. The word Elohim has been misunderstood by many, for the book of Genesis was written for Moses on clay tablets, hence the actual meaning of most of the words have not been understood by the Hebrews.
I recently called the GOD BERASHITH (GOD OF SPIRITS OF SPIRITS), whose name is mentioned as the first word in the Torah, to explain the meaning of the first words of the Torah. Berashith means((SPIRIT OF THE BEGINNING). BARA means (CREATED). The word ELOHIM does not mean Gods or God rather it means (SPIRITS). The word SHAMAYIM means (COSMOS). The word ARETZ means (EARTH).
Hence, the first line of the Torah which is : BERASHITH BARA ELOHIM ET HASHAMAYIM V’ET HA’ARETZ, translates into:
THE SPIRIT OF THE BEGINNING (BERASHITH) CREATED (BARA) THE SPIRITS (ELOHIM) THE COSMOS (SHAMAYIM) THE EARTH (ARETZ). Hence wherever the word Elohim appears in bible it means SPIRITS, not God or Gods. Hence the title COSMIC ELOHIM means COSMIC SPIRIT. Our present translation of the first line of the Torah as: IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED HEAVEN AND EARTH, is not the correct translation.
Another major event is the parting of the red sea, which is mentioned in the book of Exodus. BERASHITH, explained to me how the red sea was parted. It was explained that the red sea was not actually parted by wind, and it was not parted in the literal sense where everyone that was present at the red sea could see the ocean opened. Rather, Berashith made a wide stretch of the sea water INVISIBLE to the eyes of the Israelites, but the red sea remained the same way to the army of the Pharaoh.
So at the crossing of the red sea, only the Israelites could see the dry land that appeared in the red sea, so while the Israelites were walking into the ocean, it appeared to Pharaoh's army that they were drowning themselves in the ocean. Some of Pharaoh’s army followed the Israelites into the ocean, but they drowned because to them there was no dry land there. The Pharaoh’s army did not see the red sea parted, so most of them stood back, and the few that followed the Israelites drowned, for the dry land was only visible to the Israelites.
Berashith, further explained that when Moses encountered the burning bush, the bush did not burn because the bush was not on fire, but rather it was the body of light of the COSMIC ELOHIM EHEIEH, who referred to itself as (I AM THAT I AM), that was covering the bush. The body of light of a Cosmic Elohim is like a ball of fire, but it does not generate heat like normal fire. It was also Berashith that caused the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud to appear. Keep in mind that BERASHITH is the creator and God of all the spirits.
Berashith as mentioned the first line of the Torah is the creator and source of the cosmos, and all of nature. A cosmos is the collection of galaxies and universes.