On Sunday June 30th, there was a world wide gay parade in New York City, and thousands of the LGBTQ, flocked New York City, to participate in this annual parade. The month of June is declared gay month only in America, even though I did not attend the parade, gay and lesbians can be see practically every where in their rainbow colors. New York City sponsors the gay parade, and on this day, gays and lesbians show that they are proud to be gay.
The trains on this day every year are crowded with gay men from around many countries, and looking at many of these gay men, if one were to see them on the street, a person will not suspect that they are gay.
Gay men are known to act queer and weird, but is there something that is the driving force that causes gay men to act queer in a way that seem odd to normal human beings. In this short article, I will explain what really makes a man gay, and why so many of them act like female and some even speak like woman. Is the female actions of gay men a mere imitation of women, or is something else behind it, which the gay men themselves do not know?
I will start from the basics of a normal male child that was born male, lived and acted like any normal boy, but at some point if he were to engage in an unprotected sex with a man, his actions gradually transforms to become like that of woman. What is it that really causes this transformation? I had a discussion with Cosmic Elohim Berashith(God of Spirits), who explained to me of the presence of a virus that cannot be detected by science at the present time, I call this virus the Gay Virus.
It was explained that when a man engages in unprotected sex with another man, a gay virus is formed instantly with the man who receives the sperm of the other man. The gay virus functions completely different from the HIV virus and cannot be detected. When the gay virus is born within that man, its first stage is to: INCAPICITATE THE REPRODUCTIVE SPERMS WITHIN THE MAN, TO MAKE THE PERSON IMPOTENT. Which means, even though that man can get a full erection like a normal man, that person cannot impregnate a woman. In the second stage of the virus, it gradually transforms the consciousness body within that man into that of the consciousness of a female monkey.
Consciousness within a person regulates the five senses of the person, which are taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. The consciousness of women are different from that of a man. Hence, a female can smell things that a man cannot smell. Food in the mouth of a female taste different in their mouth to that of the same food in the mouth of men. A woman feels the hardness and softness of objects differently from that of men.
Hence, as the gay virus gradually transforms the consciousness of the gay man into that of the consciousness of a female monkey, it alters the five senses of the gay man. Like they say "monkey see, monkey do". The gay men that act and maintains the body postures of women are not doing that deliberately, rather it is the gay virus in their body that has altered their consciousness into that of a female monkey, that is imitating the actions of a woman. Now, if you look at gay men that are even muscular well built, you will notice that the that carry their thick chest like a woman with large breast. If such a man before they became gay could lift an object that is 300 pounds, over time their strength weakens and could no longer do so.
The gay virus weakens and softens the strength of gay men, hence gay men that look tough with strong muscles are gradually made weak through the gay virus. Real gay men have the body of men on the outside, but the consciousness of a female monkey within.
Now, if a gay man who acts feminine as a result of the presence of the gay virus within their body were to have unprotected sex with a woman, the gay virus is transmitted to that female, which will result in two possibilities. The gay virus within a normal female, will either cause that female to become barren, and incapable of conceiving children, or if that woman were to be successfully impregnated by a normal man, the child will be born with a DOWN SYNDROME, (what we call a retard). That child born with a down syndrome, if female will not be able to conceive children, and if male will not be able to impregnate women.
Gay men hence become biologically gay, which makes their blood completely different from that of normal men. Gay men do not just carry an HIV virus, but rather the Gay virus which cannot be scientifically detected is what controls their actions for them to act queer. Once a person becomes gay, they cannot biologically be reversed into normal men. The gay virus within their body will cause that person to desire to have intercourse with men. It is similar to someone that has been addicted to a drug.
So all of you young straight men out there, understand that gay sex is not something to experiment with, for once the gay virus enters your body, you will become impotent, and act queer whether you like it or not.
I have written this article not to bash the gay men or lifestyle, but rather to educate the public that there is hidden virus within gay men that cannot be detected by science, that make men impotent and women barren.
The use of condoms have no effect on the gay virus. Hence, if a gay man, that has the gay virus were to engage in sex with either a man or woman, even if he puts on five condoms, he will still transmit the gay virus into their body. The concept is similar to an x-ray light that can pass through physical matter.
Therefore you young ladies out there that socialize with gay men, assuming that they have no effect on you. You are dead wrong, for sex with a gay man, will either make you barren, or even if you were to conceive a child through a normal man, that child will be born with a Down syndrome (retarded).
The gay virus unlike the HIV does not cause death, but alters the consciousness of an individual to that of the consciousness of a monkey of the opposite sex.
The use of condoms have no effect on the gay virus. Hence, if a gay man, that has the gay virus were to engage in sex with either a man or woman, even if he puts on five condoms, he will still transmit the gay virus into their body. The concept is similar to an x-ray light that can pass through physical matter.
Therefore you young ladies out there that socialize with gay men, assuming that they have no effect on you. You are dead wrong, for sex with a gay man, will either make you barren, or even if you were to conceive a child through a normal man, that child will be born with a Down syndrome (retarded).
The gay virus unlike the HIV does not cause death, but alters the consciousness of an individual to that of the consciousness of a monkey of the opposite sex.