The immortal intelligence
eBook (PDF), 44 Pages
Price: $7.00
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Intelligence is an immortal entity that exists within all living creatures including plants and animals. Every living creature has their own unique immortal intelligence that never dies and continues to live inside another body after the death of the individual. I have not previously written materials on this subject of intelligence, because I acquired this knowledge about the intelligence of creatures within these past few days from the FIRST ELOHIM SPIRIT, that created the plants and living creatures. Fasten your seat belts, for what I am about to disclose to you has never been known to mankind.
The basic structure of a living organism is that of three main parts. Human beings have a PHYSICAL BODY, CONSCIOUSNESS, and an INTELLIGENCE. It is the intelligence within a human body that causes the sperm to become a human being, it is the intelligence within the Rose flower that causes it to become the rose tree, it is the intelligence within a dog that causes that animal to grow to... More >
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