The Seven African gods revealed
eBook (PDF), 27 Pages
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The true identities of the seven African gods have been revealed. Their true names and types of spirits have been uncovered. Letter by letter I questioned the angel Ariel through kabbalistic cowrie readings to spell out the true names of these seven African powers. The spirits behind these names are more powerful than we think and they have been worshipped since the first civilization of human beings on earth, keep in mind that we are presently the fifth civilization on earth. The names of seven African gods are commonly known as OBATALA, YEMAYA, OSHUN, SHANGO, ELEGGUA, OGUN, and OYA. The names that these spirits use camouflage their true identity for they are basically Nigerian names, but behind these names are powerful spirits whose true identities are revealed in this book. By questioning the angel Ariel I have been able to obtain the true names of these seven African powers.
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