Saturday, January 31, 2015

Will the world end and will the Messiah come (Revelations)

 The book of Revelations of the New Testament gospels speaks of the end of the world to come and the coming of the Messiah.  This prophesy has caused many to predict an end of the world at various dates going back several hundreds of years, yet we are all still here and planet earth is striving strong.

 Christians strongly believe in this impending doom when all life on earth will end, and a Messiah will come to make all things new.  So the real question is, whether it is likely that our world, specifically all life on earth will end, and if so, when will it occur.

To answer this question, I will explain to you some of the tricks of the prophesy and the prophet.  You will notice that the prophesies of the bible were told by the major prophets, such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Elijah, then all of a sudden Jesus emerged who also told of future events, and supposedly dictated the book of Revelations to John.

The prophesies of the major prophets in the bible and their prophets were all one and the same. The trick of those prophesies were all the common style of Isaiah.  In a previous article titled "who was Jesus,"  I explained that JESUS was JOHN, the author of all the gospels of the New Testament.  ISAIAH foretold of the birth of the son of God, and it was Isaiah, who as an immortal being from heaven wearing a human body, resurfaced as JESUS,, who was also actually John.

Follow the pattern of the logic, that Isaiah made the prophesy, resurfaced as John, as well as played the role of Jesus to  fulfill his own prophesy.  Isaiah was the same person who appeared as an angel to the three wise men telling them of the birth of Jesus.  Isaiah was the same person who also played the role of Joseph as husband to Mary, for Mary herself was an angel materialized as a human being.  Isaiah was the same person that played the role of the angel Gabriel that appeared to Zachariah.

Going forward, Isaiah then changed himself into the role of Paul, to write the letters to the Corinthians and Romans.  You will notice in the books of Luke and of the books of Acts, and throughout the books of Paul,  the name Theophilus.  Now the book of Revelation was written by Theophilus who was actually John.  Meaning the book of Revelations was also written by Isaiah.

Isaiah again appears here in the book of Revelations, with prophesies of an end of the world and specifically gave signs when it ends and new one begins: Now observe the pattern of the identicall text in Isaiah and the book of Revelations:  ISAIAH 65: 17
17"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. 18"But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing And her people for gladness.

Now in the book of Revelations is a similar text: Revelations 21.
21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

As usual for this prophesy to be fulfilled, Isaiah has to be born as a man on earth somewhere.

Let us now get back on track to determine if the world would end with a new heaven and a new earth.

Here is your straight forward answer.  YOUR WORLD AS EARTH, ENDED ON DECEMEBER 31, 2011, and the new HEAVEN WAS CREATED JANUARY 2012.  Your world as you know it is changing before your eyes, for the way it has been as of December 31, 2011 is gradually fading away each day.  The NEW HEAVEN, is the 11th Heaven that was created on October 7, 2012. The entire heaven planets were recreated beginning January 2012, replacing the old heaven.

You may have doubts about what I have just told you, but the day ends at 11:59, and begins at 12 midnight. So it is that the new clock begun on October 7, 2012.  The old heaven has already passed and all the planets inhabited by angels were recreated on January 2012.  On the 7th of every month the angels in all heaven celebrate it as  holiday for it was on October 7, 2012 that the 11th heaven was created which is an identical earth with an unlimited supply of food and resources.

I wrote books concerning the creation of the New Heaven, and at the present time, thousands of people have already been transformed into angels, who are now living in the 11th heaven, and many of them walk among human beings daily. The physical planet earth itself is being changed and eventually, it will become the new earth occupied by angels.  Human beings will gradually cease to exist, for many have become angels who are immortal,  death will be no more, diseases will be no more.  Will the Messiah come? Your Messiah was the man Isaiah, who was also Osiris, Moses, Vishnu, Rama, Shiva, Abraham, Jesus, Socrates, Pythagoras, Ezekiel, Elijah and many others and all these men were personalities of BARAKATA.

The first half of the prophesy of the Revelations has already been fulfilled, which is the creation of the New Heaven, the second half is in progress, which transforms earth into a heaven, and human beings into angels.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to spiritually detect if a person has HIV Virus (Angelic Spiritual oil)

HIV by definition is: Human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).  This condition within a human beings breaks down certain blood cells within the human blood stream, especially the T-Cells, causing the person to be vulnerable to cancer and other diseases rapidly.  It is estimated that if a person acquires the HIV virus without proper treatment the lifespan of the person may not exceed 11 years.

The number of people acquiring the HIV virus is spreading world wide at an alarming rate. It is estimated that more the 1.2 million people in United States have HIV.  The statistics are even more alarming in African and Hispanic nations, with an estimate of 22.5 million people affected in Africa alone by 2011.

HIV is often acquired through contact with the blood of a person infected, and most often through unprotected sex with someone that has HIV.  But what if there is a way of knowing if the person you are dating, or sex partner has HIV, without asking for the health certificate of the person.

I have recently discovered that any object that is charged with the energy of a saint, such as the ANGELIC SPIRITUAL OIL, can detect the presence of the HIV virus in a person.   Here is how it works:  By rubbing any object with a few drops of the Angelic Spiritual oil,  which can even be the face, hands, bracelet,  necklace or any simple thing a person is wearing or carrying, that item will temporarily be charged with the energy of saint, that is within the Angelic Spiritual oil, also known as the Barakata oil.

Example, if a few drops of the Angelic Spiritual oil, is rubbed on  bracelet you are wearing, and you encounter someone that has an HIV virus and the person looks at the bracelet for a few seconds, THE EYES OF THAT PERSON WILL START BLINKING RAPIDLY MORE THAN NORMAL.   The person will not feel any pains in their eyes, excerpt that their eyes will START BLINKING FASTER THAN NORMAL UNCONTROLLABLY.

The reason why it does so is,  an object charged with the energy of a saint, transmits an INVISIBLE LIGHT, at the speed of THOUGHT, that penetrates all physical barriers, and even into the blood stream, and cells of the blood.  A person with HIV, has weak blood cells, and the saint energy agitates their blood cells, causing a faster than normal blinking of their eyes.

The Angelic Spiritual oil, can be rubbed on any object, that may come into the view of people around you.  If the eyes of a person, looking at the object that you know is covered with the angelic spiritual oil, starts blinking at a study rapid pace more than normal, then it means that person has the HIV virus. Prevention is better than cure, and to be forewarned is to forearmed.

To order the Angelic Spiritual oil, goto PAYPAL, and send $30 to BARACATA@YAHOO.COM In the comments section, put ANGELIC SPIRITUAL OIL.  Free shipping worldwide.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Baracata method of cowry divination


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The Baracata method of cowry divination is a means of communicating with angels and other spiritual beings using four cowrie shells placed and rotated in the palm of your hand. I personally use this tool as a learning and communications tool to ask all kinds of questions to spiritual beings. In the human hand the thumb of a human being is connected to the Elohim, the index finger is connected to the soul and to the subconscious mind of the person, and the ring finger is connected to the guardian angel of the person. The cowrie shells hence when placed in the hand acts like a mobile phone and give one the ability to communicate with angels anywhere they are, just like talking on a cellular phone while walking or riding the train or bus anywhere. This method when further improved can be used to communicate with all human beings on earth as well as spirits in heaven. I have been using this tool to maintain a dialogue and conversation with many angels out there daily.

Note before using this method or any method of divination, first rub your palm with a few drops of the Angelic Spiritual oil, also known as the Saint oil, Barakata oil. This will then first cover the shells with an energy of Saint, that creates a doorway to communicate with the angels and spirits. This Barakata oil is a basic essential used in spiritualizing an object.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Who dictated the Koran to Mohammad (Gabriel or Isaiah)

The story of the birth, life, and death of Jesus was well narrated in the gospel of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.  One may ask the question; how did the author know of the birth and intricate details of the life of Jesus?  Was the author present everywhere Jesus went?  Some said it was a holy spirit that dictated the story to the author.

In a previous article titled “WHO WAS JESUS?. I explained that JESUS WAS JOHN, that played the double role of both author and the character.  Since Jesus was John, the story he was telling was that of his own life and hence knew every intricate detail of all the events.

The camouflage goes deeper than that, for the angel of the Lord that appeared to the three wise men, was also John.  You will notice the use of the angel of the Lord, going back in the days of Isaiah, who coined the phrase : THUS SAID THE LORD.   This trick was first started by Isaiah, for the angel of Lord that Isaiah was referring to was Isaiah himself.

Isaiah was not a human being. Isaiah was an immortal being with an angelic type body that is capable of shape shifting to appear in different bodies.  The story is told that Mary had a husband Joseph.  Here is also the trick; for JOSEPH WAS THE SAME PERSON WHO WAS JOHN, AND HE WAS ALSO THE SAME PERSON WHO WAS THE CHILD JESUS.  An angel materialized as a human being can instantly change their age from a child to an adult in a matter of seconds, then back to a child or any age they want.

The team who was originally Osiris and Isis, were the same team who was Joseph and Mary.  Isis was an angel materialized as a human being, and it is the same female who also played the role of Mary.   That same team combination was also Abraham and Sarah.  Sarah was the same female angel materialized as a human being, who was also Isis, and later also showed up as Mary. Now the account is further given that the angel Gabriel appeared to Zachariah.  THE ANGEL GABRIEL IN THE BIBLE, WAS JESUS, WHO WAS ALSO JOHN, WHO WAS ALSO JOSEPH.

So from this perspective it was Isaiah who prophesied the birth of the son of God, and showed up in the body as both Joseph, angel Gabriel, and John.  If we track down the movements of Paul, it will be noticed that the book of Revelations surfaced in the area where Paul went to.  The Paul that was the scribe was also JESUS, that changed into a different body.

It was stated in the New Testament that when the tomb of Jesus was visited an angel told them, he was not in the tomb and has risen.  That angel, was also Jesus.

Going forward, it is well known that it was the angel Gabriel that dictated the Koran to Mohammed.  That angel Gabriel, was the same Isaiah, who became Jesus in the New Testament.  Hence Koran was actually dictated by Isaiah, pretending to be Gabriel.  Isaiah was not just pretending to be an angel, for he was truly an angel materialized as a human being.  Isaiah, who was Jesus, appeared to Mohammed on the mountain in the flesh and dictated the stories of the Koran to Mohammed.

In summary, practically all the major religions of earth were masterminded by one person.  The main character from Genesis to Revelation is the same one man.  This same one man was also Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism, who was also Rama,  Vishnu, and Shiva.  Hence many scholars have noticed the similarities of the life of Osiris, and Mithra to be similar to that of Jesus.  The reason is, they were all one and the same person.

Who was and is Jesus (John)

The greatest story that has ever been told in the bible, is that of the life of Jesus.  The story from birth, through his miracles and death are so emotionally deep, and as such makes a strong impact on the mind of anyone that reads the gospel.

What I am about to explain to you is not something that I have always known, excerpt that I know for a fact that there is no one in heaven by the name Jesus, and always suspected that the character was fictional since the actual person is no where in heaven. It was only a few days ago, when I wrote the article on the WORD, that by substituting the WORD, for Elohim, and Elohim as Spirit that the true character of who Jesus was emerged.

I then confirmed my suspicion of the true identity of Jesus with the Spirit, and I was told my analysis is correct.  The John 1:1 which reads: In the Beginning was the WORD, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

This actually translates into : In the beginning was the Elohim, and the Elohim was with God, and the Elohim was God.  John further continued that the word become flesh.  This means the Elohim became flesh.   In all these text the WORD, is the ELOHIM, and the ELOHIM is the SPIRIT.

Here is where I caught the linking identity, because I know that there is only one being that exists that has a personal Spirit, the rest of humanity share a common spirit.  The only person that has and had a personal spirit was the same one you knew as Moses, Elijah, Osiris, Mithra, Vishnu.

I will now try to explain to you in simple language as possible who Jesus really was and is.  The author of the books of New Testament from Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, including the books of the Corinthians , associated with Paul, all the way to the last book known as Revelations is one and same author, namely JOHN.

I will tie in your missing puzzles for you, going back to the prediction of ISAIAH, who said a son of God will be born.  Isaiah is the mystery man behind all these , for ISAIH DID NOT DIE. ISAIH BECME JOHN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.  JOHN, WHO WAS KNOWN AS THE BROTHER OF JESUS, WAS JESUS.

I verified who Isaiah was through the Spirit and was informed he did not die.  Isaiah prophesied the birth of the Son of God as himself.  Isaiah was not a human being, he was the living ancient living Elohim as a man who was OSIRIS, VISHNU, SHIVA, MOSES.  Note that Lucifer was first mentioned by Isaiah, and further expanded upon in the book of Revelation.  Isaiah as Theophilus wrote the book of Revelations.

Isaiah did not die, but took on another body as John, the mystery brother of Jesus.  It was known through the biblical text that John was the brother of Jesus, but one may ask, when did Mary give birth to John.  JESUS WAS A CHARACTER PLAYED BY JOHN, WHO ALSO WROTE ALL THE BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The miracles of Jesus were actually performed by John, who disguised himself as YESHUA.

The letters of Paul to the Romans, Corinthians were all written by John, including the book of revelation disguised under name Theophilus.  Jesus however did not die, because John did not die, and resurfaced as Theophilus.  There  was no revelation given by Jesus to John, because both JOHN and JESUS were one and the same person.

The Romans have no account of a trial by Pontius Pilate, sentencing Jesus to death, John made up that part of the story as an exit strategy for the Jesus character.


In summary, the words of Jesus were actually the words of John, and John was the author of all the books of the New Testament. John is the founder of the church, for Jesus and John, and Paul were both one and the same person.  JESUS was a double character played by JOHN, author of the book of John.  Those words in the book of John, pertaining to the WORD becoming flesh was referring to himself.

Isaiah was an immortal man, with an angelic type body, that is capable of changing himself into different bodies. Hence, he took on the body of John, and created the fictional character of Jesus, and the story that he told were partially those of his life. JOHN, the brother of JESUS, was JESUS.  It was ISAIAH, that resurfaced as JOHN, lived the double life as JESUS., All the books of the New Testament were written by John, who was also Isaiah, who was Jesus. Osiris, was the same man as Isaiah, who became John, with the double character as Jesus.

In those gospels, It was Isaiah that played the roles of Joseph, husband to Mary, John as brother to Jesus, angel Gabriel that met with Zachariah, as well as the main character Jesus.  Isaiah was also then one that played the role of Paul, and wrote the letters to the Romans, Corinthians, that became known as the books of Paul.

Throughout the gospels, you will  notice that there is a death scene for the each of the apostles, including Paul.  But there is no record of the death of John. The number of years that transpired from that of the life of Jesus to the writing of the book of revelations exceeded the lifespan of a human being, yet John lived throughout.  The reason as stated, John was Isaiah who was an immortal being with an angelic type body. Hence, he did not die during that era, and transformed himself from Isaiah, to become Joseph, John, Jesus, and angel Gabriel.  He further went on to dictate the Koran to Mohammed under as Gabriel.