The recent death of some prominent people in our society has prompted me to once again enlighten on the subject of re-incarnation. What truly happens after death is a mystery to all, since no one has truly died and returned to inform us about life after death. I obtained my knowledge of what happens after death, through my dialogue with the an Elohim Spirit.
It was explained that, every living organism from the smallest to the largest have an immortal inner body (which we call the soul), and this soul within all creatures moves from body to body when the outer body dies. There are millions of ants, grasshoppers, dogs, cats, flies, and all sorts of tiny creatures that the eye barely sees, but none of them permanently dies. If a person steps on an ant, within seconds, its inner body will enter the body of another living ant, and continue living as if it was always in that body.
For human beings, the very second the person dies, their souls automatically enters the body of an eleven year old child of the same gender. Human beings write their own destiny, for the life a person lives in one life, becomes their permanent role in all their future lives. I have explained that each creature has a BODY OF MIND, and in this body is stored the entire history of the persons life up to the minute the person dies. Once the person dies, all the activities stored in their body of mind are transferred into the mind of the eleven year old child, whose body they take over.
Hence, if the person was a doctor, that eleven year old child whose body they took over, will automatically grow up to be a doctor. The lifestyle of person in one life, is like a computer program or a video game that plays in random order, but the end result is always the same. There are many roads to Times Square in New York City, but the destination(destiny) is always the same.
If a person that died was an African Negro, even if they re-incarnate in India, the events in their new environment vary, but their destination will be the same. If a person dies at 80 years in this life, they will always die at 80 years in all their future lives.
Not all persons re-incarnate, for nature only preserves what is best for the growth of humanity. The following persons do not re-incarnate into new bodies of their own. 1. If a person dies by suicide. Those who commit suicide do not re-incarnate, rather they take over the bodies of members of their own family, and turn them into schizophrenics. If a person dies by suicide, if given a new body of child, they will always commit suicide, hence they do not re-incarnate into children.
2. If the person was a gay male. Gay men do not re-incarnate, their souls are automatically transported into the body of monkeys. This ensures that no male child is born gay.
3. Human beings that are created as angels, or Saints, do not re-incarnate. The people in this category are the fortunate ones, for they have been immortalized in heaven. Hence, upon their death their souls, combine with their heaven angels, and live as immortal beings in the body of their angelic counterparts.
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