There are many curriculums offered at the university level, and young generations are often confused as to what to major in. There four levels of education offered in most countries so far. Starting from Primary School, then Elementary School, Secondary School referred to as High School in America, then University Level.
I am offering this guideline for the younger generations that travel far away from their homeland to other countries only to major in a degree, such as Business Administration. First of all, it must be understood that university level education is a business enterprise, that is business to make money and make profits. They offer subjects and curriculums to the general public not because the subjects are useful to them, but some are simply organized to make money for the school.
A very popular degree offered by most universities is that of Business Administration, which falls into the broad category of Management. Here is my advice to all of you young generation on how to set the goals of your career. Do not plan your life around what will make you the most money, but rather plan and study things that are connected to something that is tangible here on earth. Especially, if that thing is connected to something that is a permanent part of nature.
Examples: Gold, copper, diamonds, silver, human beings, plants, oil, animals, wind, sun, fire, water rocks, sand, fruits, birds, and all the endless variety of flowers and organic life are all permanent things in this life.
A woman that cooks rice and beans and sells them on the street market does not need degree in Business Administration to manage her business. The worlds most brilliant inventors such as Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein did not attain a degree in Business Administration to manage their large products. Rather they acquired skills in inventing tangible products, just like the woman that cooks Jolof rice in the market in Accra, in Ghana.
A degree in Engineering is worth it, a degree in Medicine is connected to human beings, and the doctor does not need a degree in Business Administration to manage his or her clinic. What I have so far pointed out is, a degree in Business Administration, particularly in management is a waste of time and money.
From the highest level of the Cosmic Elohim, through their spirits and gods are all connected to something that is tangible here on earth. Likewise follow their example to study those things that are tangible parts of life, rather than intangibles such as life insurance, which more a less is a legal money scam.
An organization may employ you because you had a degree in Finance and make you a bank manager. But if for any reason you are terminated, you will realize that you have no skill. An insurance company may employ you because you had a degree in Business Administration, but when you are sacked, you will then realize that you have no skill in making anything that is tangible or useful to the public.
Human beings have been living on earth for millions of years without life insurance, but now they are being sold the concept of life insurance, as if it will extend their lives or make them immortal. Life insurance is like a lottery where often the majority loose their money and at best only a few has the winning ticket. Instead of buying a life insurance policy, rather put that money into a savings account for yourself, where you can retrieve that money anytime you need it.
Example, if you were 30 years old and buy a life insurance policy of one million for a 50 year term. As a human being, it is almost certain that you will not be able to pay the monthly charges for 50 years. Even small bills like telephone bills, electric bills are not paid and their services are interrupted. So what makes a person think they can continuously pay a study insurance on their life for 50 years. Even if you pay for 30 years, and could not afford to pay the monthly on the 31st year, you loose all the money you have paid for the past 30 years.