Monday, October 22, 2018

Ancient prophets who were angels

We have known of some ancient prophets that had spiritual powers.  These prophets lived their lives among human beings like ordinary men, but they were not born out of the womb of women.  I have often said that a human being born out of the womb of a woman cannot command a spirit to perform a miracle.  Hence, all the pastors of the church that claim to perform miracles are fake, for they are all human beings that were born out of the womb of women.

What had confused many men and women are the prophets of the bible who seemed to be able to perform miracles, hence normal human beings thought they can also do the same.


1.    METHUSELAH: Methuselah was known as the oldest living person. But that was not the end of it. He was actually an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die.
2.    ENOCH: Enoch was said to be the father of Methesulah.  This assumption is not correct, for both Enoch and Methuselah were angels not born out of the womb of women and never died.
3.    ISAIAH: was a popular prophet of the old testament bible.  Isaiah was an angel, who was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die.
4.    ELIJAH. The prophet Elijah was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die.  We all know of the story of Elijah taken to heaven on a chariot of horses.
5.    RAMA OF INDIA. Rama of India, was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die. Among the Indian prophets, Rama was the only one that was an angel.
6.    Okomfo Anokye of Ghana.  Okomfo Anokye is not an angel, rather he is a god that planted the immovable sword into the ground, which still remains the grand in Kumasi, in Ghana. The duplicates of Okomfo Anokye are: YEMEYA (ORIGINAL OKOMFO ANOKYE), OSHUN, SHANGO, OBATALA, OGUN.  Okomfo Anokye has so far created four duplicates of himself.  All of them presently, are native doctors in Ghana.

This is the few men that were popularly known among human beings that were thought to be human beings, but they were angels and gods that were not born out of the womb of women.

The five bodies of Okomfo Anokye work as a team, for a god is a spirit in the flesh.  The miracles performed by native doctors in Ghana, such as conjuring money and objects to appear is the mastermind work of the five bodies of Okomfo Anokye.   The five bodies of Okomfo Anokye work as a team, and whenever one of them is conjuring something to appear, one of the five makes himself invisible and plays the role of the invisible Genii, that causes the money and objects to appear. Their teamwork expands to many other native doctors that are human beings,  and they assist them with their miracles. The source of all the genuine miracles of the conjuration of money to appear, is the five bodies of Okomfo Anokye, who perform those miracles when they make themselves invisible. 

Melchizedek: Popularly known as the King of Salem, was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die.

ISAAC:  Isaac is one of the most controversial child in the Bible, who Abraham was told to sacrifice on the altar.  The true story is, Isaac was an angel, that was created into existence. Isaac was not born out of the womb of a woman.

Noah:  Noah is popularly known for his role of building an ark during the flood.  Noah was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman.  The children of Noah were all angels. They were all created into existence, and did not die.

Gautama Buddha: Gautama Buddha is popularly known as the founder of Buddhism.  Buddha was an  angel, who was not born out of the womb of a woman, and did not die.

Merlin the Magician:  During the days of King Arthur, Merlin was said to have planted a sword in the ground that only Arthur was able to pull out of the ground.  Merlin was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman, and did not die.

Maitreya: This prophet was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman, and did not die.

King Arthur: King Arthur was known to have pulled out the sword that Merlin the Magician planted into the rock. Both King Arthur and Merlin were angels, who were not born out of the womb of women.

Jeremiah: Was a prophet of the Old Testament and author of many of its books. Jeremiah was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die.

Baruch:  Baruch the scribe to Jeremiah, was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman.

Galileo: Galileo was a scientist and known as the father of science.  Galileo was an angel who was not born out of the womb of a woman and did not die.  He walks around today right here on earth with full knowledge of all his science.

Isaac Newton: Isaac Newton was a mathematician and a scientist. Isaac Newton was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman, and did not die. He walks among us today.

Joseph:  Joseph was a popular figure in the Old Testament bible, who went to Egypt and whose other brothers tried to kill.  Here is the surprise twist.  Joseph was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman. He did not die in Egypt, changed his image and body and walks among us today, right here on earth.

Jacob: Was a popular figure in the Old Testament bible. Known to have dreamt of a ladder that extends from heaven to earth.  Jacob was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman, and did not die. The ancient biblical figures that were angels, faked their deaths, and changed their images into different personalities.

David:  David as a young boy was known to have slain Goliath, the giant with a sling shot. David became king, and was known to have written many of the psalms of the Bible. David was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman, and did not die.

ISHMAEL: Ishmael was in the Old Testament a son of Abraham and half brother to Isaac. The mother of Ishmael was known as Hagar. Ishmael was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman. Both Isaac and Ishmael were angels, and neither Serah nor Hagar were their mothers.  Both Isaac and Ishmael walk among us today, with full knowledge of all the events that took place in their time.

Hagar: the presumed mother of Ishmael was an angel, that was not born out of the womb of a woman. She therefore did not give birth to Ishmael.

Leonardo Da Vinci; Leonarda Da Vinci was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman.

Michael Angelo: Michael Angelo was an angel that was not born out of the womb of a woman.

Even though a human being cannot directly command a spirit, they are able to achieve spiritual results through the assistance of a god, only if that god agrees to work with them, for only a god or Cosmic Elohim can command a spirit.  

I will be updating this list of prophets who were angels from time to time as I verify their identity.

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