Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to know true spirituality from fake ones (Spiritual Charms)

Various spiritual circles believe in charms and amulets that they place their hopes and lives on.   Christians place their belief in the symbol of the cross, some carry rings that they believe have power, some pray to wooden statutes and various objects that they think has power.   Life on earth is rough and a hard one, plagued by diseases that often lead to death.

There are hundreds of native doctors in Africa and across the continents of Asia, especially in India.  Human beings are easily deceived by their own belief, and many are swindled for their money.  Spiritual organizations have been set up by many as a means of making money off the ignorant.  There are organizations in Europe, America, and various countries with thousands of followers that are in business, to make money off the ignorance of human spiritual believes.

So called spiritual charms are sold to many who belief these items contains some kind of spiritual power.  They place their hopes and belief in them, not realizing that these items have no power to change their lives.  With all these fake spiritualists out there, how can a person know the real ones from the fake ones.

Now I will give you some basic guidelines to determine whether a spiritualist has true spiritual powers, or whether the charms you purchased contain any spiritual power.  Separating the real from the fake can be tackled from various angles, when one understands the source of spiritual powers. 

In some of my articles, I have stated that human beings and angels cannot command spirits, therefore any object given to you by a human being, or sold to you by a human being does not have any power.  For a charm to have power, it has to be charged by someone that is capable of commanding spirits.

There are only two types of beings that are capable of commanding spirits, which are the: TWELVE COSMIC ELOHIM (GODS), and the TWELVE HUMAN COSMIC ELOHIM (gods), whose names I have given in the previous articles.  These two types of beings are capable of commanding their personal spirits to charge any object, excerpt a living organism. Meaning they can charge any object  with spiritual power, whether it is made of wood, rocks, metals, liquids, oils and any natural object in nature.

Only a being that is a spirit can command their own spirit, and not the spirit of another being.   Meaning, Cosmic Elohim Jehovah can only command Spirit Jehovah, and Cosmic Elohim Yahweh can only command Spirit Yahweh,  etc. Each Cosmic Elohim has a body of light, but their personal inspirit is invisible and can be anywhere in the galaxy. Each of the twelve human Cosmic Elohim has the body of a human being, but their personal spirit is invisible and be anywhere in the galaxy.

For an object to have spiritual power it has to be charged by one of the twelve Cosmic Elohim or one of the twelve human Cosmic Elohim(gods), whose names I have given in another article.  There is absolutely no way, by any means can a human being or even an angel charge an object with spiritual power.  With this guideline, you must realize that any object sold to you on the streets or spiritual organization or stores whether in America, or Europe or Canada or South America or Australia has no power.. 

I am narrowing down where spiritual objects could be obtained.  I stated that only the twelve gods on earth will often charge objects with power for a human being, for the twelve Cosmic Elohim (Gods) do not handle matters on an individual basis.

I have mentioned that there are six gods in Africa, the sixth is always invisible, and two in India, and three in America.  The ones in America are scientists and do not do spiritual work for the public.  Therefore, it is possible to obtain an object that has genuinely been charged in with spiritual power by a native doctor in Africa or India  But at the present time the two gods in India are not native doctors, like they used to be when they were Rama, Vishnu and Shiva. But as rich businessmen they are still capable of charging objects for people without the person knowing about it.

Now that makes Africa the main source where spiritual objects could be charged by a native doctor,  Among the native doctors in Africa, a few that are based in Ghana have genuine spiritual powers, because they the god Okomfo Anokye that has multiplied himself five times and charges objects for many of the native doctors in Africa, especially Ghana.

Now that we have narrowed it down to Africa, mainly Ghana, how can one know a fake charm from the real one?  Here is how you can know if an object has spiritual power. ASK THE NATIVE DOCTOR TO MAKE THE OBJECT DISAPPEAR(INVISIBLE) AND REAPPEAR(VISIBLE) BEFORE YOUR EYES. AN OBJECT THAT CONTAINS A SPIRIT CAN DISAPPEAR BEFORE YOUR EYES AND REAPPEAR BEFORE YOUR EYES. If the native doctor cannot make the object disappear before your eyes, it is a fake.  Things that appear such as money and objects are often tricks.  But an object can only disappear by means of a spirit.

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