It is the common belief among many spiritualists especially Africans, Indians and people of color that a creature that they call dwarfs exists as spirits that performs miracles for them. Dwarfs in some spiritual circles in the west are also referred to as Gnomes, which have been associated as elemental spirits of earth. I often hear of native doctors in Africa refer to their dwarfs, and they often claim that it is the dwarfs that bring them money, heal sicknesses etc.
I have often written in my articles that there is no such being as a holy ghost as the ghost of Jesus, and likewise for you the African native doctors, I will correct your spiritual vocabulary to let you know that there are NO SUCH BEINGS AS DWARFS OR GNOMES AS SPIRITUAL BEINGS.
Now if you the native doctors in Africa keep telling the public that your miracles are performed by dwarfs, you are indirectly insulting the source of the God that has given you the powers to be doing what you are doing. The root of the work of native doctors in Africa started with Okomfo Anokye, but in case maybe Okomfo Anokye himself did not know, that the being that spoke to him the first time, that trained him invisibility, and how to cause fire to appear is not a dwarf that is spirit, but rather it is the GOD YAHWEH (GOD OF FIRE), that spoke to him and trained him.
In order to write this topic, I once again asked the God Yahweh if at any time whether he showed himself to Okomfo Anokye as a dwarf, and the answer was no. For the God Yahweh is not capable of taking on the appearance and shape of a human being.
In this short article I will explain to you the powers behind the work that you do, that makes things invisible and visible and cures illnesses. Now ask yourself the question, that how can a creature that has the body of a human being known as a dwarf enter the body of a human being to cure an illnesses. The logical answer is, it is not possible, therefore the forces you have that you use are not in the shape or likeness of a human being. In the same way an angel that has the shape of a human being cannot cure an illness.
There are two main powers involved in the work you do as native doctors that work with OKomfo Anokye. The main power is the GOD YAHWEH (GOD OF FIRE), who is capable speaking with the voice of a human being, but the God Yahweh does not have the body of a human being, but only the voice of any human being he chooses to use. The second power are: ELEMENTAL ENERGIES OF FIRE, SUCH AS THE SPIRIT YAHWEH. The Elemental energies do not have the body and shape of a human being, and cannot speak to a human being for they are pure energies, similar to wind, and can only communicate by thought.
It is the Elemental Energies that makes you, Okomfo Anokye invisible for energy is like wind that can enter the body with air. The five words of power that you use in your conjurations are names of the Elemental Energies, which you sometimes correctly called the Genii. THERE ARE NO DWARFS INVOLVED IN ANY SPIRITUAL WORK, AND AS A MATTER OF FACT THEIR KIND OF BEINGS DO NOT EXIST AS SPIRITS.
There are angels that are very short about three feet in height known as the Enochian angels, but these angels do not get involve with anything human beings do, and hardly come to earth, for they live billions of miles away on invisible moons.
So you the native doctors give proper credit to the GOD YAHWEH (GOD OF FIRE), that gave the original Elemental energies to Okomfo Anokye, and stop giving credit to fictional dwarfs who do not exist. Yahweh did not at anytime appear in a physical body like a dwarf and no African native doctor has ever seen a spirit that is a dwarf, for they don’t exist, .Just like the holy ghost of Jesus do not exist.
No being out there will give money or treasures to a dwarf who have two feet and the same needs of a human being, to give those treasures to a human being. That dwarf will spend that money on themselves, just like the monkey.
There are no such beings as Mermaids, that have half the body of a human being and the other half that of a fish. There are no such beings as Sylphs that have the body of a human being and wings to fly. Angels do not have wings to fly. All these creatures of the elements where invented by human imaginations and they do not exist.
In spirituality, on all levels from the highest to the lowest, the spiritual beings involved that formed all of the universe and galaxies are elemental energies, that do not eat, drink, or sleep. They can make themselves smaller than the electron inside an atom, and also make themselves larger than a galaxy. They travel from one place to the other at the speed of thought.
The concept of dwarfs is a popular belief among Africans, in a Ghanaian language they are called "ADOPE", in the Ga language. They are described as very short, and their feet are reversed. That is, their toes in are in the opposite directions, so when they are walking forward, their footsteps are pointing backwards. This creature is described to be witty, crafty, with magical powers. They are said to live in the deep forests. These attributes are all inventions, to make the native doctor appear to have beings with magical powers.
The other creature commonly mentioned among native doctors is MAMI WATER (THE MERMAID), with a body of half a human and half a fish. These creatures are mythical inventions, but since they are well established in the minds of Africans, as beings with supernatural powers, it makes the native doctors more believable. The correct expression to use in reference to the sea is :ELEMENTAL ENERGIES OF THE OCEAN. These are different from Elemental Energies of rain(generally classified as water). The Ocean comes under the God Elohim, whereas rain as water come under the God Eloah.
The only problem is, if you claim to use dwarfs and mermaids, you are also indirectly limiting the abilities of your spiritual powers. A being that has a body of some kind, eats, drinks and sleeps like any creature with a body. Therefore, such beings are not made use of in spiritual work. The spiritual powers that formed the entire galaxy, from the atom to the stars are: ELEMENTAL ENERGIES. IT IS THESE ENERGIES THAT HAVE BEEN CONFUSED TO BE DWARFS AND MERMAIDS.
There are indeed elemental energies of the elements and everything that exists, and of every atom. There are elemental energies of clouds, fire, sand, atoms, plants, animals, rain, and everything that exists in nature. But none of them have any form or shape. No being, not even the GODS can see an elemental energy with their eyes.