Sunday, November 11, 2018

What is the real cause of wildfires in California/ America (Sodom and Gomorrah)

The state of California has been known to experience wildfires for many years, but the recent wildfire in 2018 has been most destructive.  The recent fire has destroyed over 170,000 acres and many homes burned down.

The recent wildfire caught my attention, so I asked the GOD OF FIRE (YAHWEH), through the Barakata method of Cowrey divination if there is a special reason why these fires occur in California.  I have observed that almost half of California is a desert, so my first question was: “DO THESE WILDFIRES THAT OCCUR IN CALIFORNIA A NATURAL PHENOMENA, LIKE HURRICANES, OR IS THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING TRANSFORMED INTO A DESERT?"

The answer was, the wildfires in California are not a natural or accidental occurrence, for the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IS BEING TRANSFORMED INTO A DESERT.  So my next question was to determine the real reason why the state of California is being transformed into a desert.

Here is the real cause of the wildfires in California or in any country on earth.  Those wildfires are not ordinary fires that can easily be contained, for this wildfires are a living force that is capable of moving from place to place, similar to a twister.  It is not the wind that causes those wildfires to spread, but rather there is a force of nature in those fires, that moves the fire from place to place, similar to the pillar of fire that occurred at crossing of the red sea, that moves forward and behind the Hebrews at the crossing of the red sea.

Now the real reason why they erupt goes back to old biblical story of Sodom and Gomarrah which were burned down as a result of gay men in that city.  The God of fire(Yahwe), explained to me that the wildfires in California are the result of the increasing number of gay men in California. AS THE NUMBER OF GAY MEN IN A CITY OR COUNTRY GROWS, WILDFIRES START IN THAT CITY TO BURN DOWN THE LAND.

GAY MEN HAVE BEEN AN ENEMY OF MOTHER NATURE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, GOING BACK TO THE ANCIENT CITY OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH.  Mother nature makes every effort to kill every gay man off the planet.  According, the center of disease and control, about 70 percent of all the HIV cases that were diagnosed in America in the year 2016, were gay men.  This number is so high, meaning out of every 10 people that were diagnosed with HIV, seven of them were gay men.  Gay men are obviously that cause and source of the HIV virus.  Scientists in Amerca know this, and for that reason their hospitals do not accept blood donations from gay men.

Gay men contract HIV virus because mother nature is making every effort to eliminate them off the planet.  I was aware that the souls of gay men upon death are transformed into the bodies of a monkey, but I did not know that they are also the reason why wild fires erupt in many countries.

Gay men must be aware that mother nature has marked them as their enemy, and be extra careful around animals, thunder storms with lightning, or sitting under a tree whose branches can break, or driving around on a rainy.  When the forces of nature are against you, the person is prone to accidents, and your own pet animal will most likely even bite you to death.. The persons own immune system attacks the person to kill them. It also means, if there are may gay men in a car, that car will mot likely have an accident that kills everyone in the car.

Let this article also be an advise to many, that if gay men live under your roof, your house will most likely burn down., IF GAY MEN MULTIPLY IN YOUR CITIES, WILDFIRES WILL BURN YOUR HOMES DOWN. Many of the desert areas on earth were once populated by gay men, whose land were burned down like Sodom and Gomorrah.  

The Gobi desert,  Sahara desert, Syrian desert. Arabian desert and all the deserts on earth were once forests that were burned down, to become deserts. This force of fire that burns cities into deserts was first unleashed on Sodom and Gomorrah as their gay population multiplied. This same force of Sodom and Gomorrah that has turned many forests into deserts is what has been burning down California for many years and has turned most of that land into a desert.

This force of fire is triggered by an increase of gay men in a region. I have nicknamed this force of fire as Sodom and Gomorrah, which particularly burns down buildings and areas that are occupied by gay men. For those of you that live in California, I will alert you to move behind the boundaries of a river, for Sodom will not cross a river.

Mother nature has been at war with gay men since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, and wherever they accumulate in large numbers will experience major disasters.  The deserts that are across the planet are the work of Sodom in its attempt to squash gay men off the planet.

Keep in mind that Mother Nature is at full war with gay men, since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.  So when gay men are in your car, or  reside in your cities, some form of disaster will most likely occur.

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