The blog on which I write unexplained mysteries is now registered as WWW.BAGAPA.COM. On this blog you will find interesting articles that explains unexplained mysteries that has baffled scientists and mankind for years.
Through the Barakata method of Cowrey divination that I invented, I am able to communicate with all kinds of spirits including the nine Kabbalah Gods: EHIEH, JEHOVAH, ELOHIM, YAHWEH, ELION, YOD HE VAU HE, YAH, SHADDAI.
Example, I became aware of invisible dragons burning down California / America, through my conversation with the GOD OF FIRE (YAHWEH). Note that in communicating with a spirit, the spirit, does not tell a person the correct answer, but rather it simply answers Yes or No to your questions.
Example, I asked Yahweh whether He knew about fires that are recently burning in California. He replied Yes. I asked if the fires were natural or where caused by something else. . Yahweh replied they were not natural, but caused by something else. I asked Yahweh if there was a reason why the fires started in California. Yahweh responded Yes. Here I had to guess the reason why the fires started. The thought of Sodom and Gomorrah came into my mind and asked Yahweh if California is being burned down, for the same reason that Sodom and Gomorrah was burned down,. The reply was Yes, which is the very high population of gay men in California. These were the first day of my conversation with Yahweh.
The next day after listening to the news on the fires on Youtube, the pattern of random fires caught my attention, when it was stated that the fire jumped the freeway. So I went back to Yahweh and asked if it is invisible dragons that are burning down California. Yahweh replied Yes. I then asked how the dragons eat and how long they will last in California.
I was informed the dragons are Herbivores and will last approximately 60 days. This what it means. I have in depth knowledge of invisibility, so when Yahweh confirmed that they were invisible dragons I just knew how they came into existence. Yahweh then confirmed that the names of the dragons are Sodom and Gomorrah.
The dragons Sodom and Gomorrah do not actually exist. Meaning they did not fly into California from somewhere, neither have they been roaming around somewhere. Rather Yahweh called them into existence on November 8, 2018 in California, and they instantly appeared from nowhere in seconds. Likewise, after 60 days they will disintegrate into nothing. IT WAS YAHWEH THAT ALSO BURNED DOWN SODOM AND GOMORRAH THROUGH INVISIBLE DRAGONS. THESE INVISIBLE DRAGONS DO NOT ATTACK HUMAN BEINGS OR ANIMALS. BUT SET FIRE TO TREES, BUILDINGS, AND CARS.
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