They are three major gods in Hinduism who are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is referred to as the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. The symbolism are the cycles of life, that what is created has to be maintained, but eventually it will be destroyed by Shiva to be reborn again.
In spring the trees begin to grow, in summer they are fully grown and flourish, in the fall season their leaves fall off, and by winter they become bare trees. The cycle then begins all over again in the spring season.
The god known among the Indians as Vishnu, is today one of the richest men in the diamond industry. This man has a permanent residence address on Forbes list of the world’s richest people. A god will always be at the very top of his or her category. Some may be popular among human beings, others may be popular among the angels. Example, the god created in Ghana, Accra, that I will nick name COSMOS(god of spirits) , without mentioning his real name is a creator of planets, spirits, and angels. He has created and owns three Earth like planets that contains everything that is presently on earth including all the buildings, cars, airplanes, and populated them with thousands of angels. Such a god is not known to human beings, but is the worlds richest person to the angels.
So far I have uncovered five gods among human beings: Okomfo Anokye of Ghana, created by the GOD OF FIRE (YAHWEH). COSMOS OF GHANA, created by the GOD OF SPIRITS. RAMA OF INDIA, created by the GOD OF OIL (HUL). VISHNU OF INDIA, created by the GOD OF DIAMONDS (KAKABA). Albert Einstein of Germany, Created by the GOD OF WATER (ELOAH). The water I am referring to is rain, not the sea who is Elohim.
Note the pattern so far: That Yahweh (God of fire) created Okomfo Anokye in the Eastern part of the world, Africa where it is hot and dry. Cosmos (god of spirits), was also created in Ghana, in Africa, in the Eastern part of the world, for spirit is like wind.
Albert Einstein was created by the God of Water (Eloah), in the western part of the world, where it is wet and cold. Rama and Vishnu were created in Asia, and connected to substances beneath the soil, such as oil and diamond.
COSMOS of Ghana is the most recent of the gods, hence his existence started in the present life, so I do not mention his name. Just as I do not mention the present names of any of the gods in their present identities.
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