Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to resolve the abortion controversy(mysteries of Childbirth)

Since President elect Donald Trump won the election, to become the 45th president of America, the decades old controversy of abortion is now back on the table again, since Trump intents to overturn the rule, of abortion.  To give you a background summary. Republicans are against abortion, whereas Democrats are in favor of abortion.  In this article, I will explain to you the middle ground, which allows abortion to be possible, and also not the right choice at some point.

 A pregnant woman in the first three months of pregnancy is like that of an egg laid by a hen.  We all commonly eat boiled or fried eggs.  But this same eggs, if a hen sits over it for a while, will contain a chick. So upon cracking a developed egg, a life baby hen (chick) will be in it. 

Similarly, in the first three months of pregnancy a fetus is not fully developed, hence it is safe for woman to have an abortion, if she so desires in the first three months of pregnancy.  But after the fourth to the 9th month of pregnancy, the fetus is fully developed as a child in the womb, hence an abortion after the fourth month is equivalent to killing a new born infant.

Now even though a person may say they can do whatever they want with their bodies, there are laws of nature that govern the body and overrides our free choices.  One of such laws governs pregnancy and children.  The laws of nature that govern childbirth, limits the number of children a woman can have in their lifetime.

The number of children a woman can give birth to in their present life is determined by the number of children she had in her previous life.  Example, if a woman had two children in her previous life, then in this life she will have one girl as her only daughter, provided those two children were either both girls or a boy and a girl. But if those two children in her past life were both boys, then she will have one boy in this life.  Now, if a woman were to have an abortion after four months of pregnancy, that fetus counts as a child.  So if that woman is destined to have only one child in this life, then if she had an abortion after four months of pregnancy, she will not have another child in this life, because she killed her child in the womb after she was four months pregnant.

However, if she commits an abortion before the fetus was four months old, she will still be able to have another child in this lifetime.  So the laws of nature regarding the number of children a woman can have influences a woman’s choice to abort a child.  It is therefore a gamble to abort a pregnancy after the fourth month of pregnancy because the woman literally looses one child out of the number of children she can possibly have in this lifetime.

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